In my addiction I forgot to love my self. Forgot my love for nature and how free it made me feel. I never thought I needed help because even in my addiction I helped those around me. But I always forgot to help myself and take my own advice. Until one day my body started shutting down and I didn’t want my beautiful baby boy to see me that way. He saved my life. I lost my light in addiction.

Since coming to Hannah House I have started to love myself again, and my light is starting to come back. My sisters at Hannah House have helped me reconnect with myself as well as my higher power, which is nature.

I’ve never been much for prayer but I have always considered myself a spiritual person and I would like to share my prayer with my higher power, the great outdoors!

Great Outdoors, please help me wash away my sins with your crystal clear water. Allow me to be powerless to the breeze, flowing through my body. Give me the oxygen to breath in positivity and exhale all the negative thoughts. Free my mind and give me clarity on my recovery path to freedom!


Jessica Watts


Nicole Andersen