Jericho House
Part of The Jericho Society
Jericho House is a 9-Bed residential addiction recovery project that provides a holistic approach to drug addiction with elements of housing support and
re-settlement. It supports service users in achieving the highest quality of life and in realizing their full potential.
Our service users are single males aged 18 and over with a history of drug dependency. The service users must be capable of active participation in the cognitive elements of the programme, and be genuinely motivated towards addressing all aspects of their addiction and utilizing the support from the fully trained and qualified staff team.
We are an abstinence based recovery project employing both group work and one-to-one sessions. We also have our key working system, focusing on person-centred planning.
We have regular reviews (allowing for inter-agency attendance),
a service user involvement group,
a Family Support Group ( 2nd Wednesday of every month )
and parenting classes;
the programme includes
Education (core skills),
Leisure/sports activities,
Complimentary therapies,
and our widely acclaimed drama-based therapy.
A range of counselling methods is used in our person-centred work. Resettlement support is an important provision of our recovery program which may extend to six months or more.
Jericho House provides a safe, drug free environment and service users are expected to participate fully in a structured house programme and to adhere to the house’s 'Code of Conduct'.

DE24 8PZ
t : 01332 757737
e: derby@jerichosociety.org.uk