Jessica Watts
What has worked to ensure I am firm and confident in my recovery today?
Doing it differently than I have in previous tries. Being open to all the new lessons I am taught. Staying out of my own way and allowing God to lead me and having complete trust in his will for my life.
Choosing to completely commit to putting my recovery first has been a major aspect to being successful. I had to be okay with moving away from my family and taking advantage of every opportunity available. While involved with Hannah House, I stayed in the program longer then I had planned to. I mentored new clients that came into the program and I volunteered in the house as a house nom.
I moved to second stage housing offered to the woman through InnerVisions after completing the program while still volunteering at the house. I also made the decision to go even further with my involvement and I applied to take the training offered through InnerVisions to become a Front line worker. This has really helped me to stay diligent in my recovery and help others in addiction.
Factors that have helped me are mainly those involving my family. One of the most important to me is my daughter who is still in addiction, she needs to know recovery is possible and that its okay to take the time needed to heal. I have had to learn how to have a healthy boundaries with her to protect my own recovery, while still being supportive to her when I am able.
Another major factor has been the birth of my first grandchild. My granddaughter Lily will have the clean, happy, healthy version of me from the start. Never will she have to know me in addiction. My family has been much more available to support my recovery this time around. They constantly show me they are behind me and are able to see how I am doing it right this time around. They are proud of me. I genuinely feel I am earning back the trust and respect with those I never thought possible.
I have love for myself again, pride in how far I have come and a genuine passion for life again that I never could have imagined I would feel again. I can’t wait to see all of Gods will for me and the path he has laid out for me and how he will bless my life. He has helped me let go of the past, live each day and trust the future.