Taylor Bull
This is a photo of my daughter facetiming me when I finally completed the crucial steps to receive my phone and face reality in treatment.
Before I was given back my phone, I felt the restriction rules were unfair and cruel; not being allowed to connect with my family upset and infuriated me to no end. I've now come to realize and graciously understand the need to completely disconnect from the outside to heal from within.
I have grown in ways that I thought were made impossible by addiction. There have been events that have provoked inspiration and have changed my brain chemistry. Meditation and prayer have given me the gift of presence and spirituality. I have begun to notice all the gifts I had, blinded by grief and my toxic coping methods.
This photographed moment of my daughter and I reconnecting ignited a fierce determination and perseverance to be the best human and mother I know I can be through sobriety. My deep rooted hurt but healing soul, and beautiful, intelligent, courageous, selfless, loving daughter deserves my healing.
You give me strength Scarlett. I love you dearly and will keep fighting for you.