The main things that have worked for me in my recovery are, coming to Hannah House and admitting I was powerless over my addiction.

My life had really become unmanageable. Getting honest with myself, others and in my steps. Having a strong connection with my higher power through prayer and meditation. Self-awareness and changing my behaviors, thoughts to positive thoughts and taking care of my health.

Also building a support group and having trust in myself and others. Family has helped me a lot in my recovery, finding balance in service work and volunteering. Honesty, open mindness and willingness are huge stepping stones in my recovery. Being teachable and continuing to work on myself to grow.

Setting goals and breaking them down into smaller goals. I feel most at peace and comfortable in nature and with family. Factors that are helping me maintain my recovery is honesty which is a huge one for me. Praying daily to my higher power, meditation for answers, and working the steps into my everyday life. Journaling daily, self-care, self-awareness, volunteering, meetings, fellowship, having a sponsor, supports and trusting others. Family, quality time, being present and forgiving myself as well as others. Activities, exercise, solid foundation, the moon and nature. Also helping other addicts and share my experience strength and hope. Being positive, thinking positive, journaling my inventory and asking for help and advice before making decisions. Showing up and keeping my word by showing action and meaning what I say. Living by the spiritual principles to the best of my ability. Setting healthy boundaries for myself and others. Removing people, places and things that are not good for my recovery. Always putting my recover first. Taking suggestions, trying new things and having fun in my recovery. Having my family in my life. Love, happiness, acceptance and being my true authentic self.

This Image is of true happiness, love, living in the present moment and family. My two sons Dominic, Theodore and myself. My mother is taking the picture. I was smiling from ear to ear. Tickling, laughing, playing and proud to me a mother. I’ve noticed so much growth within myself and how I perceive life clean. Honesty, the steps, higher power, love, acceptance. Living in the moments with family and feel like I am a better person and mother because I am more patient and clear minded. I asked my higher power that morning for love and I received it in a way that was beyond my expectations.

This day by far has been one of my best days in my life. This picture is a gift of recovery and I am so grateful today!


Joselyne Lambert