Recovery means to me unconditional love.

I came into recovery hating everyone and blaming the world for my problems.

Why wouldn't everyone leave me alone and let me take drugs?

They were the only love I wanted in my life.

Suicidal, in lots of debt and after pushing all my friends and family away I reluctantly went to a meeting. Seeing the tangible evidence of people with years of clean time, plus all the love and encouragement I received, I kept coming back.

Now, I'm loved by every addict and I love every addict, regardless of our difference lifestyles and journeys we've been on.

We help each other and love each other unconditionally because we have been the newcomer and we've all danced with the devil that is addiction. If we don't have each other, we don't have recovery. I was loved until I loved myself and its given me the confidence at four months clean to dance my heart out with the people I love, without any mood changing substances, as shown in this picture.


Ben Elliott is a communication professional.


